Peaches Are Here! Homemade Persichino Liqueur.

We are in the peak season for picking and enjoying peaches. I am sure that the produce isle of your store is showcasing an abundance of juicy peaches.

A liqueur made with peaches!


750 ml bottle of Everclear (or high proof Vodka)

6 Peaches

1 pinch of ground Cinnamon

2 cups of sugar

2 cups of water

Half a bottle (roughly 13 oz) of dry white wine.


Wash and dry the peaches. Remove their skin and pits and discard them. Place the peaches and the Everclear in an airtight container and let them soak for 10 days away from light. Occasionally shake the container for a few seconds to promote a richer extraction.

After 10 days patiently filter the infusion through a cheesecloth or large coffee filter.

Make a cinnamon-infused simple syrup by heating up (do not boil) the water and dumping the sugar and the cinnamon in the hot water and removing the heat. Let the mixture cool down-covered and occasionally stir to dissolve the sugar.

Once the simple syrup is cool combine the infused alcohol, wine, and simple syrup in 2 bottles and lets them rest in a cool dry place for 2 months.


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